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Quirk 10th - Databases: Home

Lock #1

Read the article and then fill in the blanks.  Use the answers to figure out a combination to one of your locks.

  • About two years ago, a good friend of mine saw her building being sold to an investment fund that was going to turn her _________ building into housing for tourists.
  • In some neighborhoods, in the historic center of cities like Seville, there is more housing for _________ than for locals.
  • Pardo cites problems with _________, the environment, income inequality and simply the fact that the city is not welcoming to its own people anymore.
  • The problem is the magnitude of the ___________, the model that we are following.
  • We all ___________ about tourism, but we should all travel less. We need to exercise some self-control, as well.

Lock #2

Watch the video and use the information to figure out the combination to one of your locks. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER!

Lock #4

Decrypt the following words using the cipher.  Then, read the article and figure out the combination: 

Lock #3

Read the article and highlight 4 important sentences.  For each sentence, write a note about why that sentence was important.  Show your notes and highlights to a staff member to receive your key.